发布者:深圳市华联兴业国际教育交流咨询有限公司    发布时间:2015-07-14

恭喜何同学被华盛顿大学录取。该大学us.news. 2012年美国大学综合排名位居第42位。这是华联留学在2012年美国大学秋季入学申请中,来自华盛顿大学的第二个申请捷报。


dearhe ,

congratulations! with great pleasure i offer you admission to the university of washington. i am confident that you will benefit from the astounding range of academic and social possibilities at the uw and contribute to the rich intellectual and cultural vitality that distinguishes this remarkable university.

through your application, we have appreciated both your accomplishments and hard work. now, because of your admission to the uw, you will have the opportunity to join a highly talented and diverse group of students from around the country and the world. these students - your future colleagues and friends - have much to teach you, and i know that you, too, have much to offer them. the faculty and students of the uw look forward to welcoming you to our seattle campus beginning autumn quarter 2012.

the office of admissions has mailed the offer of admission packet via standard postal mail. because it can take 2-4 weeks for the mail to reach some overseas locations, we wanted to send you instructions about how to access uw welcome materials on the web. the online welcome materials include important information about final transcript requirements, immigration documents, orientation programs, placement testing, housing, and more. most important, the online welcome information provides instructions about how to accept this offer of admission. if you are ready to accept our offer of admission, do not wait for the packet to arrive. follow the instructions below to download the forms and review online step-by-step instructions about how to confirm enrollment with the uw.

next steps

review instructions about how to confirm enrollment, download required forms, and request immigration documents for study at the uw. all of the information you need to accept the offer of admission is available online.

website: admit.uw.edu/welcome/international

confirm your enrollment

return the following items to the registrar‘s processing center (address listed on the payment form).

international student payment form (available online). print, complete, and sign.
$272 new student enrollment & orientation fee (nseof). send a bank check, draft, or money order payable through a u.s. bank and made out to "university of washington." you can use any major foreign bank with a u.s. affiliate or branch in the u.s. credit card payments and wire transfers cannot be processed.
i-20 request form (available online). to request immigration documents, complete and return the i-20 request form along with a bank statement or letter and a photocopy of your passport. we recommend you submit the i-20 request form at the same time you submit the nseof confirmation payment but you may submit it later if you prefer. there is no specific deadline for the i-20 request form, but immigration documents cannot be created until a completed form is received.
enrollment confirmation instructions (sent via postal mail in the offer packet). if you have not received the admission packet yet, you can confirm enrollment without this form. complete all other forms as instructed online and mail them along with your confirmation payment to the address listed on the international student payment form. leave your student number blank if you do not know it yet.
nseof due date

in general, students have about two weeks to confirm enrollment. because the offer of admission packet may not reach you within two weeks, all instructions and information about how to confirm enrollment are available on the admissions website, admit.uw.edu/welcome/international. do not wait for the packet to arrive in the mail. go online now to download the required forms and review instructions about how to accept the offer of admission.

we look forward to having you join us in september!

with hearty congratulations and warmest regards,
philip a. ballinger, ph.d.

director of admissions

